Farmington Summer Baseball Tournament
SLL D6 all-stars are not eligible to participate.
Please register on the SLL Website
Game Schedules
Games are scheduled to begin on or around Monday, July 1, 2024 with the single elimination playoffs starting the last week of July for the U10 & U12 divisions. Championship games are scheduled for July 30th and 31st in both divisions as well. All dates are subject to change.
Games and standings will be posted on Farmington's Little League Website
Tournament Structure
U10 (9-10 yr olds)
· Guaranteed 7 games (6 games of pool play, then single elimination)
· Games held Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays
· Make up dates are usually Friday or Sunday
· Single elimination playoff for all teams (subject to change)
U12 (11-12 yr olds)
· Guaranteed 6 games (5 games of pool play, then single elimination)
· Games held on Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays
· Make up dates are usually Friday or Sunday
· Single elimination playoff for all teams (subject to change)
All games will be held at the Farmington Little League complex (Wanomassa St. or Woewassa St. off Route 4).
The cost per player will be $125
Please indicate if you are interested in managing or assisting a team.