Season Dates:
March 19th or 21st: CPR Training for all registered volunteers. Sign up under the registration tab.
March 23rd: Baseball and Softball AAA and Majors evaluations at D-Bat in Bloomfield.
All Softball: 12-12:50pm
AAA Baseball: 1-1:50pm
Majors Baseball (session 1): 2-2:50pm (Last names A-L)
Majors Baseball (session 2): 3-3:50pm (Last names M-Z)
March 26th: AAA and Majors Baseball draft
March 27th: Baseball & Softball teams announced
March 30th: Baseball & Softball Manager Meeting (8am), field clean up (10am) & pre-season practices can begin (dependent upon town opening fields and coaches discretion)
*Softball Coaches Clinic at 10am following manager meeting
April 1st: Baseball Coaches Clinic 6-7:30pm
Week of April 15th: Regular season games and practices begin
*Softball players clinics begin on Monday
April 20th: Opening Day Ceremonies
June 8th: Championship Games, end of season (tentative)